Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Emma's Morning Funny

This morning, Emma climbed into bed with me to read her library book. I love it when she does this! The confidence and excitement in her little voice when she knows the words makes me smile from the inside out. She really only likes to do this on her terms, so I cherish these mornings when she willingly reads to me!

After she read me the story, she started telling me about the dream she had last night.
"Last night, I had a dream that me and Bryce were old, like seventy years old, and..."
I interrupted her, "Seventy? You were old like Great Pawpaw?"
Her face became puzzled and she stared at me for a moment before responding.
"Wait, wait, wait", she said. "How old are you again?"
I replied, "Twenty seven!"
"Oh, yeah! Me and Bryce were twenty seven then."
I burst out into laughter! I always thought I looked young for my age, but I guess there isn't much difference between twenty seven and seventy!

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